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Winter ’21 Release: Configuration and Usability

Oomnitza’s Winter ’21 Release (Configuration and Usability) offers a variety of new features and enhancements focused on making Role and Permissions easier to manage, providing a streamlined user experience, enhancing reporting, and adding in a number of quality-of-life improvements to make your Oomnitza experience even better.

Winter '21 Release: Role and Permissions Improvements

As Oomnitza increases its suite of available features, integrations, and data sources, the ability to carefully control who has access to what becomes increasingly important. These enhancements empower Oomnitza administrators by allowing them to manage a wider variety of more granular permission sets without additional effort, including: 

  • Primary UI Roles: When defining access in Screen Builder, instead of starting from scratch, a primary role can be selected, and the created role will inherit that role’s views.
  • Dynamic Permissions: Role-level access can now be configured to be dynamic based on the user’s specific attributes, allowing for more flexibility with fewer roles.

Winter '21 Release: Usability Improvements

To support an ever-growing base of users and an ever-expanding landscape of managed assets, Oomnitza is implementing a series of changes to make the software easier to use. 

  • UI Changes to further meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, most visibly through the new color scheme that provides a much improved contrast ratio.
  • Improved user interface when creating and managing saved searches, consolidating all searches and actions into an easy-to-navigate panel. 
  • Simplification of API Block creation within Workflow Builder, making it easier for users to take advantage of pre-built API integrations. 
  • Addition of header information to exported Excel spreadsheets that include information on the exported dataset.
  • Performance improvements to reduce list screen loading times.

Reporting Enhancements

Multiple Dashboards

To ensure that Oomnitza administrators have access to a wide variety of data available at a moment’s notice, Oomnitza has added the ability to create multiple dashboards, and restrict those dashboards to specific roles. This allows  users to split up analytics between teams and functions, providing them with more specific and relevant information. 

New Date & Time Fields

Finally, we’ve added new date formats to allow for more specific usage of date and time values. Now, dates and times can be enabled in the following formats by selecting the proper subtype for DateTime data types:

  • Date & Time: Displays both the Date and Time, adjusted to the user’s local timezone.
  • Date Only: Stores solely a Date value with no time component to ensure that a date is the same regardless of the user’s local timezone.
  • Local Date: Stores a Date & Time value in UTC and displays only the Date, adjusted to the local timezone (this is the existing behavior).

The addition of these fields affords Oomnitza administrators more flexibility in how they document dates, and will help reduce confusion around time zones when viewing date fields. Additionally, the inclusion of date and time values gives Oomnitza users the ability to view the time of changes, allowing for more granular filters, searches, and workflow parameters. 

Winter '21 Release: Enhancements to Extended Connectors

Oomnitza continues to improve the functionality and infrastructure around its extended connectors in order to support the widest possible range of integrations. 

  • oAuth2 Token Refresh: Expands the range of systems to which Oomnitza can connect.
  • Improved Error Messages: Error messages in Connector Sync Sessions have been updated to include more details, making troubleshooting and data hygiene maintenance easier. 

Winter '21 Release: New Integrations

Oomnitza’s recent enhancements to our integration infrastructure allows us to quickly deploy new connectors, API Presets, and SaaS integrations. 

Inbound Extended Connectors

  • Kandji Devices

Outbound API Presets

  • Box (Transfer Folder)
  • Slack (Invite user to channel, Send message to user)

SaaS Integrations

  • Box (User Role, Delete User, Deactivate User)
  • Dropbox (User Role, Delete User, Deactivate User)
  • Slack (User Role, Deactivate User)
  • GitHub (SaaS User Role, Delete User)
  • Lucidchart (SaaS User Role, Delete User)
  • Smartsheet (SaaS User Role)

Other Updates:

  • Addition of Created by, Changed by, and Creation Date, and Creation Time values to workflows 
  • Added ability to oversubscribe License Keys in Oomnitza’s SaaS Module
  • oAuth2 changes for Salesforce ticketing and GSuite SaaS Sync
  • Added ability to restrict uploadable file types to Global Settings Table
  • Added SAML 2.0 SSO Configuration to Global Settings Table
  • Deprecation of Internet Explorer 11 Support 

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