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Oomnitza's Fall '20 Release - Holistic Integration

Oomnitza’s Holistic Integration upgrade offers a suite of new features and enhancements designed to expand Oomnitza’s reach across your IT estate. By tapping into a multitude of new sources of inbound data and expanding our ability to facilitate change in external systems, Oomnitza can now manage the y while simultaneously orchestrating changes across the entire IT Estate.

Custom Connectors

The centerpiece of Oomnitza’s Holistic Integration. The addition of custom asset and user connectors allows for data to be aggregated from a variety of systems, including:

  • Client / Mobile Device Management
  • Endpoint Protection and Antivirus
  • Networking Equipment and Firewalls
  • Patch Management
  • Cloud and Virtual Device Management
  • Virtualization and Container Management 

By integrating information from these systems, assets in Oomnitza become lenses into your entire software landscape, allowing for greater insight into data hygiene, easier decision making, and expanded potential for automation.

Additionally, the inclusion of custom User connectors allows for a better understanding of your organization's users, including the potential to integrate data between People Management and HR systems, as well as the potential for integration with other systems with vital user data. Finally, the ability to export CSV files has been added to the connector, allowing for reciprocal exchange of data.

Oomnitza’s Holistic Integration upgrade: Mapping Enhancements

A new User Interface for Oomnitza’s Mapping screen now makes relationships easy to define before launching your connectors or running your imports. Additionally, custom fields can be created directly from the mappings page, so you can establish your Orchestration layer while defining your integrations from a single screen.

Workflow Enhancements

Run Workflows Anywhere, Any Time

Workflows can now be run directly from Oomnitza’s list view and detail view for a custom list of devices using Oomnitza’s full array of filters. This allows for a greater degree of control over data hygiene, and the ability to orchestrate changes in external systems using our expanded API Presets. Workflows can also be run for individual devices, allowing for even more granular control. 

Visualize Your Workflows

Workflow begin criteria can now be created using saved searches, allowing for visualization of assets before running your workflows.

API Presets: 

Oomnitza’s catalog of API presets has been expanded to cover nearly fifty API endpoints, allowing for quick connectivity to a wide range of software, allowing for bidirectional updates, more detailed user data, deletion of data, and other commands allowed through APIs.

The ability to store and parse response data from REST APIs has also been added, enabling full bi-directionality with a wide variety of systems.

Block Enhancements

Numerous additional changes are coming to workflow blocks to complement the enhancements listed above. The Update Block is being refactored and will feature a new user interface and will now allow for complex string transformations to make data meet your needs. In addition, a failure state has been added to the Update block, allowing for notifications to be triggered in the event that a workflow fails to update.

Other blocks have minor improvements, including sleek new interfaces and more options to make workflow creation more robust and flexible.

Additionally, the Notification Block and the Approval Block have both been updated to a sleek, up-to-date user interface. 

The Vault

To support the increase in available APIs, credentials can now be stored secretly (and encrypted) in the Oomnitza Vault based on the vault implementation by Hashicorp. This makes setup of new Custom Connectors and API Workflows simple while preventing unnecessary secret sprawl, and allowing for authentication and execution of APIs that are owned by different groups within an organization.

Holistic Integration: Other Enhancements

  • The UI has been updated to allow users to quickly identify which module they’re using. 
  • The schedule workflow setting now defaults to running at a random hour, limiting the number of workflows running simultaneously.
  • The Workflow History page has been refactored to be easier to understand and now links to assets affected by that workflow.
  • New additions to Oomnitza’s Global settings including password parameters, and session timeout.
  • Additional minor design and performance enhancements.

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