Upcoming Webinar

Asset lifecycle management for a modern IT department

December 19, 2023

December 19 | 10:00am PT

Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) is crucial for maximizing the value of an organization's assets, reducing operational risks, and ensuring sustainable and efficient operations.

But traditional asset management processes are not enough for the modern CIO and IT organization that are laser focused on delivering exceptional business outcomes and experiences for both employees and customers. They need more.

They need Modern Asset Management that goes beyond ALM.

In this important webinar, you will learn how a modern IT department can improve on their ALM processes with:

  • Connector Integrations that provide bi-directional data flow of all technology assets
  • An Enterprise Technology Management (ETM) Database that continuously provides data accuracy across your entire technology asset portfolio.
  • Business Intelligence to report on the performance and state of your technology assets, along with robust monitoring and notifications.
  • A Low-Code Workflow Designer to turn asset data into action and outcomes by automating common IT processes.